It has been my personal experience that one of the more poorly understood aspects of man's bond with a woman is his need for her. In our own way, we may attempt to hide it or even disguise our need for you, in hopes that you may not notice a dependency, both spiritually and emotionally. In turn, some women feel discomfort with a man's dependency, a fact which may cause a brother to disguise the intensity of his need for her. The net result is that many women are not fully aware of male dependency and as a result do not realize the leverage and power she posses, and visa-a-versa. Thus, causing her to view his inability to communicate one's affections emotionally or built-in need for her, as weakness. To the extent that she may not be able to ultimately see the brother in her life as capable of adequately protecting her or their collective nest. Men have at times and in my experiences disengaged themselves after being nagged, scrutinized or cajoled for weeks, or months on into making a commitment. And honestly; just as quickly fell for someone else. Understandably, we all have to be firm in a way that comes from the heart and is felt not heard! And that this isn't a gender thing! Any relationship requires all of us (men and women) to view ourselves in it as a 'we' thing! Honestly speaking, I've experienced one too many social misunderstandings. Likewise, I am here as part of a collective restoration process. I come in reconciliation.